Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Campaign Character Creation Rules

For Down the Rabbit Hole, I've decided on a few character creation guidelines for the Players. I've outlined them below:

Everybody gets 30 XP to start with. This can be spent pretty much any way that the player sees fit, as long as it fits in the character's background and doesn't break any of the rules below.

No character can start with more than 1 dot in Resources. You're poor. Deal with it. It's still more than a lot of people in The City have.

No character can have ties to any MacroCorp or other Major Power in The City except at the lowest levels. Your character might have come from a wealty and powerful family from Arclight, but for whatever reason you are ostricized from them now.

Every character has to have a "hook" for getting them involved in the storyline. They need some believable motivation to want to work with the group to help find Myles whether it is general altruism, greed for a reward, or something more personal. Give me something to work with people.

No character can take Fighting Style: Sniper. In exchange I promise never to use a sniper to directly attack any PC's.

No character can start with more than 2 dots in any fighting style.

No character can start with more than 4 dots in any skill.

In addition, I'd like to offer the following advice: While I don't expect (or encourage) everybody to play a Combat Wombat, please remember that The City is a very dangerous place, and it helps to be able to at least know the basics of how to defend yourself.

Edit: One last caveat regarding equipment. Nobody can start with any equipment deemed "High Tech", regardless of its cost.


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